
At Plexon, our customers are a driving force for the development of new products and the improvement of existing products. Our sales team works closely with customers to identify ways that Plexon engineers can help make research in their labs more efficient and productive.

    Probe Schematic

    One common customization is the addition of a fluid channel or fiber optic. Many labs use fluid channels to inject a drug in the same brain region they are interested in recording neural activity. We recently met with a lab that was concerned that the pressure of the injected solution was pushing tissue away from the recording sites...




    Commutators are devices commonly used in electrophysiology and optogenetics to allow for simultaneous recording or stimulation in freely moving animals. Commutators work by enabling the rotation...




    A recent tweet is behind this edition of Customer Driven Innovation. We were contacted on Twitter by a researcher who wanted Offline Sorter to support more than 26 units...




    Many Plexon customers are using Med Associates chambers in their labs. Conversations with these customers has led to the development of custom cables that allow researchers to connect Med Associates chambers to...




    In optogenetic experiments with freely moving animals, patch cables can twist and become tangled impairing the movement of the animal and/or breaking the patch cable. This is a concern that we have heard from many customers...




    The N-Form is a customizable 3D multi-electrode array for chronic in vivo electrophysiology. Neurophysiology experiments in non-human primates typically attach these arrays to the subject’s skull using a recording chamber...




    Customer requests and feedback have resulted in many new probe designs and customizations that have helped solve various issues in the lab. One issue that researchers have discussed with our engineers...




    A useful and timesaving feature within Offline Sorter is its built-in Batch File Processing function. The Batch function allows for the automation of...




    Plexon developed a high durability patch cable with a black coating to prevent light from shining through the cable...




    Fiber stubs of different lengths are used in optogenetic experiments to target the brain region of interest...




    Most of our customers are familiar with PlexBright High Performance patch cables. These patch cables have a numerical...




    A customer recently expressed interest in 3D tracking using a black mouse with three different color markers on each limb. The animal would be performing a reaching task in a very small Plexiglas arena where shadows and reflections could interfere with tracking…
